Imagine that today you crashed a bicycle at about 25mph with a kind road sign stopping you from sliding too farJ Note to self: Immovable objects really hurt when you hit them.
A few hours later (avec arm in cast) imagine my one handed horror at realizing that 2003 sever needs a ctrl-alt-delete to login. Thankfully the right alt can be used and the good hand was just wide enough. So it seems MS do cater well for such niche disabilities too 🙂
Luckily I just broke a wrist. How it happened? In a group ride we had to jump over a small ditch on a downhill in the Highlands. Two of us clashed bars after landing then a split second later bikes met and we were inspecting tarmac. The other guy was fine after just sliding down the pavement.
Ironically enough I gave up mountain biking for this ‘safer’ pastime.