Moved to dasBlog

took about five hours all-in to move from .Text to Das Blog. Thanks to
Michael Earls
for his part in dottext2dasblog.
I had to make a change to their codebase so my comments would import (I simply made
the tool drop bad comments rather than stop the entire import), but that was about
the only hiccup in the conversion process. Other issues were just time in setting
up dasBlog + trying to make it run alongside .Text – I gave up on that!

Comments won’t
be working until my hosting provider tweaks the security on a few new folders – this
should happen early on Monday.

Also I have not
finished the blog roll + url list, if you are missing it is nothing personal I just
wanted to wrap up now. Also if you are ATL .Net blogger please let me know and I’ll
add you to the list.

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